Greetings All!!
Hope your week is off to a great start....
Today I wanted to touch a little on and give a few tips on maintaining that healthy, youthful glow that we all desire!! When people find out that I am 34 years young, the first question I get is ~ What's your secret? What are you doing? Well the truth is, there really isn't a "secret." I really can't say whether or not The Fountain of Youth exists, because I do believe that all things are possible, but I do know there are certain things we can do in our day to day lives that will attribute to healthy skin, a healthy body, and that healthy youthful glow.....
~~ Tips To Maintaining a Healthy Youthful Glow ~~
1. SMILE!!!!
Choose happiness and joy! Living a life full of stress and anxiety can lead to many health problems and sickness. Stress can also lead to premature aging, breakouts, weight problems and much more....The energy that joy and happiness brings is always for our benefit and it always shows outwardly. Outwardly in our actions, appearance, skin and the overall energy we send out into the universe. So SMILE, it does a body good!!!
2. Eat Healthy
Of course we all know the benefits of drinking water and eating healthy......Nothing to explain here. Only thing I can stress is the importance of drinking plenty of water and how drinking water has really done my skin good. Fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains are also good to add to your diet. I find myself snacking on veggies more and more these days! I especially love cucumbers....
Even if its just a brisk 15 minute walk, any type of physical activity is better than nothing at all! Also, consistency is the key. I must admit, this is an area I need to improve on and I understand that consistency is everything when it comes to an effective exercise routine. Regular physical activity can improve your muscle strength and boost your endurance. Exercise and physical activity deliver oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and help your cardiovascular system work more efficiently. We all need exercise in our lives!
4. Develop a Skin Care routine that works for you.....
One thing I have been doing religiously for the past year or so is my daily and nightly skin care routine! It has become ritual for me and I cannot go a day without doing it....I did a post a few months back on my current skin care must haves and you can check it out here. Once your skin has become accustomed to a routine and certain products that work specifically for your skin type, you will definitely see the benefits! Your skin will love you for it!
I purchased this tribal print scarf from Forever 21 by the way.....
Just in case you were wondering....LOL
And last but certainly not least......
One thing I have learned and one thing is for sure...Life is short! Live free and enjoy life to its fullest. I am currently reading Oprah's new book "What I know For Sure" and this book is full of so much wisdom and knowledge, I am trying to take it all in....I have been meditating on the below excerpt from the book for the past several days as it has touched my spirit in such a way that I cannot explain. The best way to explain, LIVE FREE!!
- What I know for sure is that every day brings a chance for you to draw in a breath, kick off your shoes, and step out and dance - to live free of regret and filled with as much joy, fun, and laughter as you can stand. You can either waltz boldly onto the stage of life and live the way you know your spirit is nudging you to, or you can sit quietly by the wall, receding into the shadows of fear and self doubt. You have the choice this very moment - the only moment you have for certain.
- Oprah Winfrey
Of course there are tons of things we can do each day to look and feel our very best, and these are just a few.....Looking and feeling young and fresh is more of an attitude and outlook on life more so than an actual "look." Its how we choose to live our lives....Its how we feel on the inside....
Until next time....Stay Beautiful & Keep it Humble!
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