Lunch Hour Botox? Yikes!!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


Hello again!!  Halfway through the week and a holiday coming up on Friday!  Do you have any special plans for the 4th of July?  Barbecues....Sun...Fun....

If you haven't checked out the latest edition of Vogue, definitely do so.  This is a great summer read and it even has some sneak peaks into this year's Fall fashion as well. 
One particular article that caught my attention is the article on page 72 entitled "Rush Hour" ~ Laser Facials, Light Therapy - and even Botox in a flash.  L.A.'s new speed spas are the latest in and out beauty.
The article highlights three different L.A. spas that specialize in these services "on the go."  You can literally take a lunch break and go get a quickie plastic surgery treatment and then head back to work!  I mean, are you really surprised?  In our day and time everything is quick and in a hurry anyway, so why not this? 
What do you guys think?  Plastic Surgery and Botox, etc. all seem to be a touchy subject and everyone has their own opinion so tell me what you think.  First of all, what are your views on Botox and Plastic Surgery...Secondly, would you trust a surgeon performing such procedures "on the go?"


I personally would not invest my time or money into these types of surgeries, however if I did, I definitely would not get something as serious as this quick fast and in a hurry!  I would want the surgeon to take his precious time and cross all the Ts and dot all the Is!  What do you think?

Please leave your comments, I would love to hear from you and don't forget to click on the Google Follow button and Follow me on Bloglovin as well  :-)
Until next time....Stay Beautiful & Keep it Humble!

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